A6694G2 RIB

  • Very good late season health, excellent stay-green and late season intactness. Early flowering for maturity rating allows for rapid grain setup. Responds to intensive management. Avoid compacted or very heavy, tight soils. Target to high potential soils, but backing off populations allows strong performance in more challenging environments. Adds yield late in the season (kernel depth flex) so ideally suited to high management (split fertilizer, fungicide) situations.

Product Features

  • Impressive top-end yield potential.
  • Value-added above-ground insect trait protection.
  • Visually attractive fall appearance and late season plant integrity.
  • Position with confidence and push it for high-end yields.
  • Excellent package opportunity with A6888 G2 RIB and A6757 G8 RIB.
  • Outstanding yield capacity in multiple environments.
97 Relative Maturity
  • CHU:
  • Mid Flowering (GDU):
  • Black Layer (GDU):
  • Husk Coverage:
  • Final Population:

Product Characteristics



  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent

Spring Vigour

  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent


  • Early
  • Early Avg
  • Average
  • Late

Harvest Timing

  • Timely
  • Flexible

Drought Tolerance

  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent

Plant Structure

Root Strength

  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent

Stalk Strength

  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent


  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent

Plant Height

  • Short
  • Medium
  • Medium Tall
  • Tall

Ear Height

  • Low
  • Medium/Low
  • Medium
  • Medium/High
  • High


Ear Type

  • Fixed
  • Semi-Flex
  • Flexible


  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent

Disease Tolerance

Goss's Wilt

  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent

Gibberella Ear Mould

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3